CoinRider premium account – How to go premium

CoinRider premium account

How to get a CoinRider Premium account for a year ?

1) In the bot, press the “Premium” button
You will get this text, including your ID:

CryptoMonitor premium account

2) Once you’ve got your unique ID, send a $20 payment to any of those addresses:

💵 BTC: bc1qka3uva8dr04nmpqwnaquw8arrkr3ffwrp7cxnd
💵 ETH: 0x7a985e913FC2254cC8DD0Ec92e86e4a632574D94
💵 ERC20: 0x7a985e913FC2254cC8DD0Ec92e86e4a632574D94
💵 LTC: ltc1qkjmllsdk0r2ssux6f73596em0s385wxhn6kx2k
💵 XVG: D8FvoKitpezHhbhNGJWTFMWdGyotTWQNfk
💵 WAVES: 3PGQ7rY7Bnhkv1y6PGfA7mqhLrMPmBf58r9
(For any other cryptocurrency, please send us a message)

3) When your payment is done, send us a private message with your ID and transaction TXID
You can send your message here and on the other ways provided in the bot:
Telegram @CoinRiderSupport
Telegram @CoinRiderGroup

Thanks for supporting CoinRider !

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